Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Hola World!!

Haha!! I'm free online!! Actually, that's probably a bad thing, but oh well :)
I've always wondered what it would be like to stargaze -- to just sit there and LOOK. But I guess I'm WAY to spazzy to spend any time doing that... ah, well :) One day, perhaps.
ADHLAS: Attention Defi-- Hey Look A Squirrel
(though I really do have to credit Pollyninja for that :)

Moving on:
My embarrassing moment of the day was in Apollo's class -- I never really pay as much attention as I should, but the fosterchild says "What does R stand for?" And I really can't help listing R words... and then I came to RUSSIA... so I say "Russia -- which I can see from my house!" because I just LOVE to make fun of Palin (tulip, I really don't give a darn if you say she's smarter than Obama -- cause you have to face it, she's really NOT) so yeah... oh, and check out this site...